Armada starscream legacy download
Armada starscream legacy download

armada starscream legacy download

Other Starscreams: Now this is the folder where other continuities' Starscreams can be submitted, but ONLY IF Armada Starscream is in these submissions too somehow this can easily be confused as 'group pics' but if it is with many versions of Starscreams ONLY then it should be submitted here instead since he still counts as ONE character no matter which continuity he comes from (unless of course it's a totally different character with the NAME Starscream, like the one from Beast Wars II, then those 'Starscreams' are not true Starscreams and therefore won't be accepted on this group but please ask the founder first to make sure what's ok to submit to the group and what isn't)

armada starscream legacy download

Show Starscream: Submissions of Armada Starscream's show version (obviously), preferably by himself this can include gif stamps that focus on him as wellĬomic Starscream: Submissions that show a comic book quality (like an actual comic book page with this character as its focus) or of the character displaying personality quirks of his comic version (and no, I do not mean IDW Starscream with his more Armada frame look, since he is another continuity Starscream entirely, but I mean the DREAMWAVE Armada comics version of him BUT there are some submission exceptions and those are usually submitted in the other gallery folders like 'Other Starscreams', IDW Starscream can be submitted in THAT folder only) Featured: Only group founder decides what goes here (usually high-end, very accurate Armada Starscream art)

Armada starscream legacy download